Disclosure Policy

1. Information Disclosure Standards

The Company follows all applicable laws and regulations related to disclosure, including the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (hereinafter “Disclosure Rules”). The Company will proactively disclose as much information as possible, including information that is not required to be disclosed under the Disclosure Rules.

2. Information Disclosure Methods

The Company discloses the information that the Disclosure Rules require be disclosed through two systems: the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ Network (EDINET) system of the Financial Services Agency, a system for the electronic disclosure of documents such as annual securities reports under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. The Company will fairly disclose information that the Disclosure Rules do not require to be disclosed on its website or by other means if it decides that the information helps shareholders and investors gain a deeper understanding of the Company.

3. Prevention of Insider Trading

The Company aims to prevent insider trading by properly managing corporate information specified in the Disclosure Rules and other important corporate information that it believes will affect investment decisions. It also establishes procedures for trading stock and ensures that these procedures are known internally.

4. Handling of Earnings Forecasts and Future Information

The information that the Company discloses includes forward-looking information such as plans, forecasts and strategies. The forward-looking information is based on the information available at the time of disclosure and certain assumptions made by the Company and this information may differ significantly from actual results due to risks and uncertainties.

5. Silent Period

To prevent leaks of information about business results and to ensure fairness, the Company maintains a period of silence from the day following the closing of accounts for each fiscal quarter period, until that period's results briefing. During this period, the Company does not, in principle, disclose information about or answer questions pertaining to its business results. Meanwhile, however, even during the period, if there is a possibility that there will be a significant deviation from the forecast, information will be disclosed as appropriate in accordance with disclosure rules.
